Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.”
--John 20:21
There’s no sin that can keep you out of heaven. And there’s no religion in the world that can get you in.
The only way you can go to heaven is through the pardon brought about through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. And when you accept that pardon, Jesus takes you and changes you…and then He empowers you by His presence for a truly abundant life!
In the New Testament, this is called conversion. It’s called the new birth. It’s called salvation, getting saved. And this new birth is for everyone. That’s why you and I as believers are on a mission of mercy…the same mission that brought Jesus to this earth.
We are to go into the world where people are living in their brokenness and sin. We are to go into this world on a mission of mercy and say, “Jesus loves you and He will forgive you because of what He’s done on the cross and by the power of His resurrection.”
Most of the people in the world today believe God is angry at them…that because of their sin they can never be saved. But we have a message of hope and grace…that God loves them and desires that they be saved. Which is why Jesus voluntarily gave His life!
Are you willing to voluntarily give your life as a mission of mercy so that others may know Him?


Friday, February 23, 2007


If anyone's will is to do God’s will, he will know whether the teaching is from God or whether I am speaking on my own authority.”
--John 7:17

Here’s what Jesus is saying in today’s verse: “If you really want to know Me…if you really want to know if I’m speaking the truth of God…if you want to know if I’m just making this up or if this is reality, you can know because God will reveal Himself to you!”
Ultimately, knowing Jesus isn’t a problem of the intellect. It’s an issue of the heart.
If a person waits until he or she gets it all figured out, they may never come to Christ. At some point each person has to decide on the evidence. Is Jesus a liar? Is He a lunatic? Or is He Lord? If you say, “Well, I’m not sure yet,” then simply say, “Jesus, if You are real, show Yourself to me.” Then examine the evidence, and ask God to show you if it’s true or not. I believe if you ask Him, He will absolutely make it clear to you!
Thousands, even millions, through the ages will testify to the reality of Jesus Christ in their lives. And I know that I can personally testify to the reality of Christ in my life. In fact, I’m banking my life and my future on the fact that it’s true!
The Good News of Jesus Christ is the best news ever given to mankind. That He came…lived a perfect, sinless life…died on the cross…and rose again that you and I can be saved and forgiven. Jesus is not a liar…nor a lunatic…but Lord. And that’s good news!


Thursday, February 22, 2007


Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
--John 14:6
There are three essential truths that all believers must remember in order to walk closely with the Lord Jesus. They’re truths that we as Christians must fearlessly defend and declare when we tell others about Christ.
First, as Jesus says in today’s verse, He is the only way to God. Standing up and declaring that Jesus Christ alone is God…that there’s only one name given among men where by we must be saved…is an explosive truth that divides people. But it’s a truth you and I must be willing to tell others.
Second, Jesus’ death on the cross atoned for the sins of the whole world. In our day and time, you can get away with talking about Jesus being a great moral teacher, an influential leader, or even a revolutionary. But start talking about Jesus dying for our sins, and people bristle. This truth goes against the pride and the arrogance and the ego of our culture!
Third, God is sovereign over the destinies of human beings. He has chosen each of us who is saved. This is a difficult truth, but the Bible says in Ephesians 1:3-4, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him.”
Now, when you share Christ, someone may say, “How do I know I am chosen?” The answer is simple???ask Jesus into your life right now and you will know you are chosen!
So I hope you will take time today to share the good news of Jesus Christ with someone you know. It is the only truth by which any man or woman can be saved!


Monday, February 12, 2007



Sowing in Tears
Psalms 126:5 Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy.

The most difficult place to keep moving in faith is the place of extreme pain. Extreme pain, especially emotional pain, can become immobilizing to the human spirit if it is allowed to overcome us. The psalmist tells us there is only one remedy for overcoming painful circumstances that will result in joy. We are to sow in the midst of these times. You cannot do this if you live by feelings alone. It is an act of the will. This act requires that we go outside ourselves in pure faith.
I learned this principle during one of the deepest periods of my life. I had lost much that was dear to me. A mature man in the faith admonished me to reach out to others in spite of my own pain. "Invest in someone else," he said. I did not realize what a place of healing and comfort that would become.
"He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him" (Ps. 126:6). Pain can become a source of joy if we take the first step by planting seed. There is a harvest that will come if we sow in the midst of tears.

Saturday, February 10, 2007


For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.
--1 Corinthians 16:9
There are dozens of preachers today who claim that making a decision to follow Christ will mean that your life will be easier…or that you’ll be materially or monetarily blessed because you’re a Christian.
Well, I’m going to shoot straight with you. While the Christian life is full of God’s blessings, it’s also full of opposition. And many people become disillusioned when they encounter trials and difficulties as they walk with Christ.
If you attempt to do something in particular for the glory of God, you will discover opposition and confrontation.
In fact, as believers, we’re called to a life that will be filled with conflict. Because when the people of God attempt to lead and do great things in His name, the forces of evil will attempt to stop it by discouraging us. The devil is a liar, a murderer, an accuser of the brethren, and a destroyer! He will oppose you!
Perhaps today you’d admit that you’re a little discouraged by how difficult the Christian life can be. If so, I want to offer you a word of encouragement: The opposition you face is actually a sure sign that you’re doing something right! Because if the devil leaves you alone, that means you must not be worth trying to discourage!
When you set out to do something great and glorious for God, expect opposition. And take heart with these words from Romans 8:31, “If God is for us, who can be against us?”


Wednesday, February 07, 2007


In the late 1980’s, a small Bible study group emerged in the corner of Pansol, Balara. Rev. Nonato Vengco of the Kamuning First United Methodist Church (KFUMC) urged the couple Manny and Cel Sambilay to take an active part in spreading God’s saving Word in the community.

It all started with a kiddie extension class, leading on to the adults’ bible study sessions. Starting out with mostly relatives and close neighbors, these activities flourished with the dedication of then lay leader now Pastor Paquito and wife tita Thelma Florendo. Eventually, Rev. Nelson Castorillo took over KFUMC and continued with the vision that Rev. Vengco started. Thereafter, Rev. Armando Arellano took to lead his flock in Pansol. Together with wife Debbie, they enabled the group to become even stronger and united until it was recognized as a worshipping congregation and many other activities followed suit.

All these activities were made livelier with the presence of Atty. Ramoncito (Pastor Mon) Mison and wife tita Noni, who to this day continue to serve the Lord, give time and effort, and share their blessings and faith beyond measure.

On August 9, 1992, the very first worship service was held at the humble abode of the Sambilay family. At this point, it was realized that a more spacious venue was needed. Two weeks after, our prayer for a bigger place was graciously answered when the second floor of a residential apartment was made available for the congregation. In this venue, Rev. Anacleto Guerrero of KFUMC provided assistance and joined the various activities of Pansol. It was during that year also, at the Annual Conference held in Taytay UMC, that Pansol was formally recognized as a local church – the Pansol United Methodist Church (PUMC). During this time, different programs were held to equip the members, more particularly in discipleship, with additional hands from Engr. Edgar (now Pastor Egay) Refuerzo.

Not long after, in perfect timing, the Lord blessed us with a place on which to build our church. Using materials recycled from Kamuning, and with the support of our lay leaders and pastors, the Pansol United Methodist Church was built.
Ever faithful, Pastors Paquito and Mon continued to lead the congregration from 1994-96. Weekly activities consisted of two worship services (morning & vesper), two Sunday School groups (adult and children) , three bible study groups (two for adults and one for the youth), children and youth choir practices on Saturdays, two visitation teams, and the dawn prayer for intercession on Saturdays. The unwavering support and untiring efforts of Pastors Mon and Paquito and their wives brought many people into the Church.

As the church in Pansol assumed a more mature role, a need was felt for a full time Administrative Pastor. In 1996, Rev. Salde Sandy Bolus was appointed administrative Pastor of PUMC with Pastor Mon as part-time local pastor. In the same year, our Lord planted a desire in the heart of our brother Abcede Barbero to serve the Lord. The church positively responded by offering a scholarship for him to finish a course in education while serving as part-time pastor in charge of the youth. In March 1999, he finished his bachelor’s degree, a requisite to a Masters in Divinity, and has been serving the Taytay UMC for a number of years now.

In 1997, the Church heeded the calling to reach out to an unchurched group of Warays living in Block 7 Kaingin 1. Amidst the difficulties of passing through a steep, narrow road, coupled by lack of water and electricity, the Lord’s hand moved mightily. He used the families of Joe and Gin Tugas, Engr. Ric Manaloto, the Tans and Misons to put up a church building and parsonage. Our Bro. Boy Domingo supervised the construction work. Before the end of the year, the building was dedicated to the Lord, with Pastor Juan Biblanias as the first Kaingin Mission Pastor, followed by a younger pastor, Ralph Dumagpi, in 1998. Sis Eden, his charming wife, formed and led the choir. The members felt the love of Jesus in the service of Pastor Ralph.

In September, 1998, Pastor Bolus was assigned as chaplain to pioneer a newly organized maritime Ministry. Because of this sudden development, DS Rev. Hermogenes Joy Cera took over as administrative pastor, assisted by Pastor Mon (who was then on leave), and Bro.Tito Villanueva, PUMC’s lay leader. In 1999, Pastors Mon Mison and Conrado San Pedro were appointed local pastors of Pansol and Kaingin respectively. Then, the Church slowly revived the fellowship activities – bible study sessions, married couples fellowships. With the acquisition of several musical instruments, and the talents of our musicians – Bro. Nanding, Allan, Balong and Macmac, the praise and worship at PUMC became an intense and wonderful experience for both the young and adult worshippers.

Pastor Mon and tita Noni committed themselves all the more to serve the Lord in PUMC. Meanwhile, in the absence of a local Pastor in Kaingin, Bro. Tito took aver the role of a church worker. The immediate relatives of those who regularly attend were drawn closer to the Lord. While the church workers did not receive any compensation from their service, but in fact gave more from their own personal blessings into the service, extra funds were made available to finance fellowship and bonding activities for members and their respective families. In addition to the generous blessings and selfless giving of the Mison family, Pastor Mon also extended pro-bono legal assistance, scholarship and medical assistance not only to members but also to the community as a means of reaching out. It was this inspiration that led to the vision of someday building a multi-level church; thus, the Building Fund was set up.

In 2001, the Annual Conference confirmed the re-appointment of Pastor Mon and the appointment of Pastor Romulo Bolgado for Pansol and Kaingin respectively. Pastor Romy decided to reside at the parsonage in Kaingin. Again, at this point, the members pooled efforts and resources to make the parsonage a comfortable place for Pastor Bolgado and his family. The demise of Pastor Romy was indeed a loss to the Kaingin Mission Church. But hopes were renewed when Pastor Moody Cullamar was assigned to replace Pastor Bolgado. As if going through the fire, Pastor Cullamar took a leave after only a short while. Once again, Pastor Mon and lay leader Bro. Tito willingly took over without any second thoughts.

However, in June 2002, Pastor Mon sought to take a leave of absence. It was indeed a bitter pill to swallow for most since the living example set by the Mison couple has touched the lives of many. But the assurance that he gave to the Pansol congregation that he will be back has somewhat appeased the heavy hearts.

In 2002, the appointment of Pastor Porfirio (Pastor Jun) Ardales, Jr. and Romeo Diaros for Pansol and Kaingin respectively was read in the Annual Conference. For three years of Pastor Jun’s assignment as administrative Pastor of Pansol, he has shown his gift of healing, making sure he readily administered prayers and anointed the sick . Pastor Jun even shared the regular blessings coming from his niece from USA to the members of the congregation. Thereafter, Pastor Diaros took over PUMC for a year in 2005 as Administrative Pastor, with Pastor Jun Herradura as Student Pastor of Kaingin.

In the past fourteen years, there have been difficulties and challenges. But the Lord is faithful and just to fulfill His promise, that ‘where two or three are gathered in My name, there I am in the midst of them”. The dedication of Pastor Mon as one of the founding lay leaders of the Church, along with Pastors Paquito and Armand, and DS Joy Cera and their wives, has greatly contributed to building the church and her hopes on Christ, the solid ground., and in keeping the members bonded in genuine love.

Today, 2006, our Church has never been more alive and blessed with the discipleship of Pastor Mon Mison and Tita Noni - who to this day continue to embrace the entire community, become one with the people, understand and willingly respond to the people’s needs. Because of the couple’s example of selfless giving, the members are gradually evolving into more mature Christians – learning the value of giving, tithing and sharing. Pastor Jun, on the other hand, shares his gift of youth and ideals to build the Kaingin congregation with fitting activities such as feeding programs, start-up bible studies and fellowship musical sessions with the youth.

The first members are reunited, and new ones are welcomed and embraced into the flock. Feeling the great revival, there are now very active groups within the congregation – the PUMC kids, MYF, MYAF, and the MCF – whose togetherness can be felt and seen beyond the physical walls of the Church.

There may be struggles in the coming years, but our history of 14 years stands witness to His promise never to leave us nor forsake us! And, as we continue to write the story of our church with our lives, services and dedication, let us ask the divine providence to also stand strong in our mission to continuously Build the People, Build the Church.


Just Throw the Net
And he brought them out and said, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”
Acts 16:30
Many of us are afraid to ask someone if they would like to give their life to Jesus Christ for one simple reason: we’re afraid the answer will be no. And it just may be. But there are those wonderful times when someone will surprise you and say, “I want to give my life to Jesus Christ.”
Many years ago, I had the opportunity to be reunited with my father, Oscar Laurie, the man who adopted me. My mother had divorced him when I was a young boy, and that was the last time I had seen him. Years later, when I had an opportunity to preach on the East Coast, he invited our family to stay at his house for the weekend.
After dinner one night, his wife said, “Greg, tell me about how you came to put your faith in Jesus Christ.” As I shared my testimony and what Christ had done for me, my dad sat there listening with his hands folded. I thought, He is not buying this at all. But later that night, he asked me to go walking with him the next morning.
As we walked out into the cold morning air, he said, “I was listening to what you said last night. I want to know what I need to do to give my life to Jesus Christ.” He made a commitment to Christ that day, and he faithfully served the Lord for the remaining 15 years of his life.
Sometimes, when you share your faith, you don’t think you are getting through. But you never know. That is why we need to throw out the net. We need to give people the opportunity.

For more relevant and biblical teaching from Pastor Greg Laurie, go to www.harvest.org.

Monday, February 05, 2007


The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

--John 10:10

It’s easy to read the verse above and to miss the power it reveals. Because the “they” Jesus is talking about in this verse is you and me!

The reason Jesus came to earth is so you and I could have the life He wants us to have. A life that’s overflowing, that’s bubbling over with joy and peace. God deeply loves us and has a wonderful, abundant plan for our lives.

But we also have an adversary who wants us to live the un-abundant life…a life that’s unproductive, deficient, and inadequate. And far too often, we choose that life instead!

Time after time, people fumble around, trying desperately to find meaning and purpose in work, hobbies, possessions, and unfortunately, in substances like drugs and alcohol. But the only source of abundant living is Jesus Christ.

Are you truly living the abundant life Jesus talked about? Are you finding meaning and purpose in your relationship with Him? Or have you given in to the lies of the enemy that tell you that meaning and purpose is to be found in other things?

The abundant life is the fullness of life. The freshness of a life in Christ. A life that’s wonderfully extravagant—lived in the power of the Holy Spirit. And I don’t want you to miss out on that.

So, if you know Christ, but feel like you aren’t living the abundant life, I encourage you to do two things today. First, begin to pray He’ll clearly show you His direction for your life. Second, spend time every day in His Word, not just reading but listening. If you will do these two things, just watch…your life will become much more than you ever thought it could be!

Don’t miss out on the abundant, extravagant life you can have in Christ!